Measures for pedestrian-friendly roads
Measures for pedestrian-friendly roads
PEDESTRIAN AS A TRAFFIC UNITThough belated, there is a growing realisation that much of the planning work at present&nb..

PEDESTRIAN AS A TRAFFIC UNITThough belated, there is a growing realisation that much of the planning work at present is ‘vehicle oriented’ and is at the expense of pedestrians, who are reduced to a suffering majority. This situation would not have arisen if the practice of regarding the pedestrian as a ‘traffic unit’ were to be in force. Therefore, it is imperative to evolve suitable measures based on systematic surveys of both inventory of facilities and pedestrian counts. This is, in order to ensure efficiency, comfort and safety in pedestrian movements and also smooth and safe flow of vehicular trafficWALKABLE COMMUNITIESThere is an inspiring trend in the Netherlands and a few other countries to improve overall walkable conditions in selected areas, and thus develop walkable communities. A walkable community makes a residential area or a neighbourhood a place where many people may walk, ride bicycles and use the transit facilities, and also where drivers of cars and other vehicles moderate their behaviour in such a way that it does not affect the environment and safety of the area concerned. Thus it encourages people to walk safely and in peace. Some of the ways of improving the walkability of an area include: i) Reallocation of road space to increase the part of the right of way allocated to pedestrians.ii) Design shorter blocks and narrower streets and develop minimum infrastructure in a pedestrian scale.iii) Provide street furniture and pedestrian facilities such as benches, lawns, flower beds, pedestrian oriented street lighting, protected areas from rain and other such facilitiesiv) Create more pedestrian oriented steetscapes and thus encourage livable communities.v) Traffic calming, vehicle restrictions and speed Develop walkable shopping areas and recreational places.ACTION TO BE TAKENAt the level of residential areas, neighbourhoods, recreational areas and environmental areas, there is an urgent need to have a bold approach of giving priority to pedestrians over motor vehicles, and develop facilities in a human scale to encourage the development of ‘walkable communities’. Such a compact, fresh and invigorating community will help people enjoy their streets, parks, shopping areas, plazas and other physical spaces.-Dr NS Srinivasan, Chairman, Transport Advisory Forum, Chennai

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