Om is a bridge to the soul
Om is a bridge to the soul
Just like the connection between a chip and the motherboard, the cosmic syllable Aum rejoins our mind with our soul

When our breath is fully charged with meditation, we will be able to hear the cosmic syllable Om constantly in our hearts. However, if we pick an empty glass up and hold it next to the ear, we will hear a faint humming noise. This will sound like ‘mm’ or the last part of the cosmic syllable Aum that is sustaining the universe and making it constantly expand. Since it is the very source of the whole cosmos, Om is considered very sacred. As many of us are aware, Om is actually a combination of the sounds of Aa, Uu and Mm. That is why the sages who dwell in the Himalayas always chant Om as Aum.

Aum, as we know, is also the seed syllable of our soul. So, whenever we chant it, our connectivity with our soul is activated. When we strengthen this connectivity with regular chanting, our minds become extremely subtle and we attain the subtleness that is required to understand our soul.

For instance, all of us have many electronic or electrical gadgets or computers at home. These have at least one crucial, subtle micro-connection, where the chip is soldered to the motherboard by viewing the joint through a powerful magnifying lens. As long as this soldering is intact, the gadget functions perfectly. However, when this soldering gives way, the gadget breaks down. Likewise, our own connection with our soul has been cut off and Aum is the sacred syllable that resolders us to our soul.

Always remaining connected to our soul is the purpose of spirituality which is the science of vibrational frequencies. The whole cosmos is filled with waves of different kinds vibrating at various frequencies. For instance, when we want to tune in to a particular radio station, we have to select the appropriate wave frequency on our radio. So, if we want to tune in to our soul which is a very subtle energy, all our five sheaths must vibrate at the right frequency. This is accomplished when we chant Aum, because it is a universal connector. As we know, we get connectivity on a mobile phone to make calls only when we insert our SIM card. Likewise, Aum is the spiritual SIM card that we must insert into our spiritual heart to obtain complete connectivity with our soul.

Aum also stabilises and regulates our breath. Today, our breathing does not follow the right pattern because, till recently, we did not follow any rhythmic pattern of breathing to link ourselves to the cosmic energy. Our breath lacks depth, balance and harmony. When our breath goes completely out of sync, we instinctively sigh or exhale forcefully so that our breath can balance and realign itself.

This happens because our breathing is basically too shallow. Only when we are asleep do we breathe deeply and rhythmically and even our snoring is rhythmic. However, when we are awake, our breathing is completely out of rhythm and we are disconnected from our soul. So, our breath is arrhythmic and discontinuous, but once Aum reconnects us to our soul, we will automatically learn how to breathe rhythmically.

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