Robis Garden: A tribute to Tagore
Robis Garden: A tribute to Tagore
How should Bangalore city pay a tribute to the great soul in whose memory we have one of the finest auditoria in the country? Worl..

How should Bangalore city pay a tribute to the great soul in whose memory we have one of the finest auditoria in the country? World-wide celebrations are taking place once again to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary the internationally renowned artist, Rabindranath Tagore.Quite justifiably, there are innumerable performances planned all over the country, including Karnataka State, around Tagore’s best known and most loved works of dance, drama and poetry.Vibgyor Entertainment is coordinating with Bangalore Little Theatre for their annual spot production called Robi’s Garden, which will be staged from September 9 to September 18 at three different auditoriums in the city.Robi’s Garden is an original script developed within Bangalore Little Theatre to celebrate Tagore’s work for and with children in the year of his 150th anniversary.It is a collage drawn from a wide range of Tagore’s writing.These include: verse, short stories, plays and sketches (his “riddle plays”), fantasies, autobiographical writing, (his childhood memories), and the letters to his grand daughter and other children.Tagore scholars in India and abroad have praised the script highly.The material from the various sources has been converted to stories to be told on stage with both animal and human characters.Is there a unifying theme running through all the stories? Perhaps.It is clear that an undercurrent theme in a lot of Robi-da’s writing and one very close to his heart.Tagore believed that the first step in getting what you want in life is imagination.Robi’s Garden is a small sample of Tagore’s wide range of writing for children.The six stories included in the play (after a prologue) are adapted especially for the stage by BLT, and have both human and animal characters.The duration of the play is approximately 90 minutes, without an intermission.

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