Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje on Tuesday flagged off ten 'rain basera' buses with a view to provide night shelter to pavement dwellers. The buses will be stationed at public spots such as railway stations, bus stands and hospitals, Raje said in Jaipur.
Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje on Tuesday flagged off ten 'rain basera' buses with a view to provide night shelter to pavement dwellers. The buses will be stationed at public spots such as railway stations, bus stands and hospitals, Raje said in Jaipur.
The Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation has provided ten used buses to Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC), RSRTC senior officer Hemant Shrimali said. The buses have been converted into night shelters with its interior and exterior designed to showcase Rajasthani heritage and culture, the official said, adding, the JMC would be bearing its cost and operation.
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