5 Workplace Yoga Asanas That Will Help You De-stress
5 Workplace Yoga Asanas That Will Help You De-stress
We bring you some 10-minute Yoga asanas that will keep backaches, neck pain, joint issues, and muscle stiffness at bay even if you work for long hours.

It is believed that performing yoga, early in the morning, keeps you charged up the entire day. In our busy schedules, it often becomes impossible to take out time for yoga exercises. But what if you can do these exercises right at your office desk. We bring you some 10-minute yoga asanas that will keep backaches, neck pain, joint issues, and muscle stiffness at bay even if you work for long hours.

Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose:

Sit cross-legged and your eyes should be closed. Your hands should rest on your knees and now meditate. Siddhasana or yoga’s Accomplished pose is the ideal position for meditating. It is also excellent for increasing flexibility in the hips and inner thigh muscles.

Seated Crescent Moon Pose:

Sit in your desk chair, inhale and lift your chest upright, also take your arms upwards, either parallel to each other or with palms joined. Every time you exhale, bend deeper into the pose. Don’t forget to press your tailbone towards the floor. If possible, rotate your head too. Take it back and look up while inhaling and bend it down while exhaling. It improves flexibility in your shoulders and neck.

Seated Backbend Pose:

With feet on the floor, and spine straight not curved, sit in your office chair. Lean forward and reach your arms back behind you. Now grab the back of the chair and keep your elbows straight. Watch your shoulders relax into the pose as you pull them back and inhale. Apart from strengthening the shoulders, this exercise improves respiration, loosens up the vertebrae, relieves lower back pain and improves posture.

Seated Figure Four Pose:

Get seated at the edge of your chair with a neutral back, roll your shoulders both clockwise and counter-clockwise for warm up. Now, cross your right leg by planting your left foot solidly on the floor and lifting your right leg to bend it at the knee as you place your right ankle on your left thigh. Breathe deeply, expand your belly. Now, repeat the same movements with the other leg. Avoid using a chair with cushioning and wheels. It specifically targets the gluteus medius, the muscle that aids in hip movement and hip mobility. It further improves back pain.

Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide-Legged Forward Bend:

Keep a parallel distance of about 3 to 4 feet between your legs. Place your hands on your hips. With your legs and spine intensely stretched, inhale, lift your chest up tall through your whole torso. Slowly, fold over your legs. Begin to stretch your torso forward by placing your hands flat on the floor. Keep them at shoulder-width apart. Fold deeper, bringing your head towards the floor. It calms the brain, eases fatigue and also improves circulation of blood and toning of the abdominal organs.

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