Mandana Karimi Opens Up About Staying Away From Family Due To Lockdown
Mandana Karimi Opens Up About Staying Away From Family Due To Lockdown
Actress Mandana Karimi has been one of the many who has to stay away from her family during the crisis and is only able to remain in touch with them by means of the internet.

The present global scenario demands confinement which as a result has got millions homebound. In the quest to contain the spread of the deadly Coronavirus, it is mandatory to minimize human contact.

The announcement of the pan-India lockdown has given many an opportunity to spend quality time with family. However, for certain unlucky individuals, it hasn’t been easy as the situation has made it impossible to travel and meet families staying far.

Actress Mandana Karimi has been one of the many who has to stay away from her family during the crisis and is only able to remain in touch with them by means of the internet.

According to a report in Hindustan Times, the Kyaa Kool Hain Hum 3 actress told that the grim situation hit her around 60 days ago as her family is stuck in Iran. She further said that her mother, who has been visiting India during the Holi festival for seven years, had to give it a miss this year.

“Taking stress doesn’t help anyone, you’re fighting a virus which has to do with the immune system. It hit me hard when I sat one day. Then I put myself back together and started working out. I’m still struggling with how to store food, because I’m always travelling, so I didn’t used to store food. Now I’m learning how to package chicken and fresh veggies,” she was quoted as saying.

The 31-year-old actress took to her Instagram account and addressed significant concerns with her fans. She spoke about the importance of staying home and practicing social distancing responsibly.

Karimi also discussed that she isolated herself following certain symptoms of light cold and urged her followers to also do the same.

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روزگار سختیه برای همه ی مردم دنیا عزیزان، هر کشوری که مردم اش رعایت کنن بیرون نرن از خونه و مسئولینش رسیدگی کنن زودتر از شرِ کرونا خلاص میشن و آسیب کمتری می بینن، توی کشور ما که مسئولین هیچکاری نمیکنن حداقل خودتون رعایت کنید و از خونه هاتون بیرون نرید ،هیچ چیزی بیرون از خونه هامون ارزششو نداره که جونمون و جون خانوادمونو به خطر بندازیم، با بیرون رفتن از خونه جون هم وطن خودمونم به خطر میندازیم، دیر یا زود کرونا از کشورمون میره اما نکته ی اساسی اینه که تا اون زمان چقدر از مردم ما و سرزمین ما قراره از بین برن و ماها عزیزامونو از دست بدیم. الان با موندن تو خونه میتونیم سلامت بمونیم و توی آینده پشیمون نشیم که چرا خودمونو قرنطینه نکردیم. میدونم که تو خونه موندن ممکن سخت باشه ولی راه دیگه ای نداریم چون فعلا این ویروس درمانی نداره، الان فقط درمانش توی خونه موندنِ، توی خونه بمونیم و به آینده ی خوبمون فکر کنیم بهتر از اینکه که بریم بیرون و پشیمون بشیم که چرا رعایت نکردیمو عزیزامونو از دست دادیم، بیایید با خونه موندنمون کمک کنیم هرچه زودتر این بحران تموم بشه. بیایید خرید عید، سفر رفتن و همه اینارو کنسل کنیم تا هرچه زودتر این قضیه تموم بشه، چون اگه همکاری شما مردم نباشه، اگه توی خونه هاتون نمونید ممکن این ویروس تا اخرای خرداد هم توی کشورمون بمونه، پس لطفا بخاطر خودمونم که شده توی خونه هامون بمونیم، عید ما بعد از شکست کرونا، ممنون #کرونا #ایران A post shared by Mandanakarimi (@mandanakarimi) on

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