Milk To Egg, 4 Food Items Not To Be Consumed With Lemon
Milk To Egg, 4 Food Items Not To Be Consumed With Lemon
Consuming lemon with milk can cause stomach problems like gas, indigestion and diarrhoea.

The majority of people love to eat lemons. Apart from enhancing the taste of food, lemon supports heart health, helps to boost immunity, may improve digestion, helps to control weight and is also beneficial for the skin. Lemon is a delicious and healthy fruit rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It is often used to enhance the taste of food and added to tea. Even though people cannot help but mix lemon into each of their favourite dishes, sometimes it can rub your health the wrong way. Combining the lemon with some food items can be harmful to you. According to Ayurveda, mixing lemon with certain foods is considered ‘viruddha aahaar’, which can disrupt the digestive system and lead to many health problems. Let us take a look at some of the food items which you should never eat with lemon.


Consuming lemon with milk can cause stomach problems like gas, indigestion and diarrhoea. This happens because the acidic element of lemon breaks down the protein of milk, which causes digestive problems.


Consuming lemon with yoghurt is also harmful to the stomach. The acid of lemon destroys the good bacteria present in the yoghurt, which weakens the digestive system and can increase acidity.


Consuming lemon with fish reduces the nutrition of fish. The acid of lemon hinders the digestion of protein present in fish, due to which the body is unable to get the essential nutrients from fish.


Consuming lemon with eggs can cause heaviness in the stomach and indigestion. The acid in lemon makes it difficult to digest the protein present in the egg, which can cause an upset stomach.

Apart from these foods, excessive consumption of lemon can cause problems like heartburn, acidity and mouth ulcers. Consuming whole lemons can cause adverse reactions. As stated by the Center for Food Safety, eating lemons along with peels is completely safe as it helps to cut down on food waste. However, they are very acidic, thus one must consume them in moderation and after proper preparation. Therefore, consume lemon in balanced quantities and avoid consuming it with these foods completely.

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