The love story of Bengali movie industry actors Nusrat Jahan and Yash Dasgupta remains one of the most talked-about romances and has also had its fair share of controversies. The couple has now shared some moments that led up to their romance and how they dealt with it. Nusrat was recently joined by beau Yash on her show Ishq With Nusrat where they talked on a wide range of topics.
Nusrat asked Yash to recount how they had fallen in love, a question the actor dodged by turning the tables on the actress and asking her how their relationship began. The actress responded by saying that she had run away with him. Taking a friendly jibe at this, Yash said, “You ran away? You mean, we ran through the streets holding hands?" Nusrat responded to this by saying that they absconded together. She stated that this particular episode was about her choice and her love."I fell in love with you, that was my choice, and the rest is history," Nusrat answered. Asked to define love in words by her beau, Nusrat said that love was about togetherness, which leads to happiness every single day.
The couple also recounted an incident whena romantic drive date between the two turned into a car chase with the media on their pursuit. It was just before Nusrat was about to get admitted tohospital before her delivery. However, she was not wearing any makeup and did not want the shutterbags to catch her like that. “We escaped and finally reached where we had to," Yash said.
Yash and Nusrat confirmed their relationship in August this year after the actress gave birth to a boy named Yishaan. They are both co-parenting the boy.
On the work front, both Yash and Nusrat will be appearing in a Bengali film titled Mastermoshai Apni Kichu Dekhenni, directed by Shieladitya Moulik.
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