A 32-year-old man died after a massive fire broke out at a film studio in Mumbai’s Andheri West on Friday, officials said. Plumes of black smoke were seen at a film set installed at Chitrakoot Ground behind the Mahalaxmi estate. The man identified as Manish Devashi was declared brought dead at the Cooper Hospital, officials said. According to the latest statement, eight fire engines, five JT, a water tankar, MFT, QRV and BA van and 108 ambulances are on site.
According to sources, the film set belonged to film director Luv Ranjan. Actor Sunny Deol’s son Rajveer was at the set next door and was evacuated by a security team.
Fire in Andheri west— blinkorshrink (@Blinkorshrink) July 29, 2022
The fire brigade got a call at 4:28 pm and 10 fire engines have been sent to the site, a statement said. The blaze, designated as a Level 2 fire, was reported in the Andheri West area, near Star Bazar on the link road. Earlier, officials had said the fire started in a shop in the area, but later they confirmed that it was at a film set.
(Image: News18)
The fire was extinguished at 10:35 pm, a statement said. “Fire Confined to temporary erected decorative pandal in an area of about 200” X 25”” it read.
(With inputs from agencies)
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