Prime Minister Narendra Modi's handwriting has certainly deteriorated in last two months. With Bills becoming difficult to pass in Parliament, the work has taken a toll on his writing.
From his message for people of Seychelles in Visitors Book at State House, Victoria, to a special message for the Terracotta Museum, his handwriting has undergone a major change.
People of Seychelles have made me feel as 1 of their own -PM @narendramodi in Visitors Book at State House, Victoria pic.twitter.com/QKrnMqCZXl
— Vikas Swarup (@MEAIndia) March 11, 2015
Earlier at the Terracotta Museum, PM @narendramodi had a special message pic.twitter.com/3nGmiwte5Y
— Vikas Swarup (@MEAIndia) May 14, 2015
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