Extreme closeup video shows how a ballpoint pen works, in all its gory detail
Extreme closeup video shows how a ballpoint pen works, in all its gory detail
It is made to appear like a weapon used in a horror movie in the video. And a formidable weapon it is.

It is made to appear like a weapon used in a horror movie in the video. And a formidable weapon it is. The ballpoint pen has revolutionised writing but at the same time it has been criticised for the impact it has left on handwriting. "Ballpoint pens need to be convinced to write," says an article in The Atlantic titled 'How The Ballpoint Pen Killed Cursive.'

This short video (a little over a minute long) shows what happens when the tip of a pen hits the paper in all its gory detail leaving some clues on how it might have "killed cursive".

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