Twitter to Meet Congressional Panel Probing 2016 U.S. Election
Twitter to Meet Congressional Panel Probing 2016 U.S. Election
Twitter's meeting with the committee comes amid mounting pressure on regulators and Silicon Valley companies to open up the opaque world of online political ads and to prevent governments from using them to sway elections or attempt other meddling.

Twitter representatives will meet with the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff next week in relation to inquiries into the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a company representative said. The committee, along with other congressional committees and special counsel Robert Mueller, is investigating possible links between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia. Twitter's meeting with the committee comes amid mounting pressure on regulators and Silicon Valley companies to open up the opaque world of online political ads and to prevent governments from using them to sway elections or attempt other meddling.

Facebook said earlier this month that a Russia-based operation spent $100,000 on thousands of ads on its social media platform promoting 'divisive' messages before and after last year's presidential election. After Facebook's revelations, Democrats have urged the Federal Election Commission to require transparency for social media advertising. Russia continues to deny meddling in the election, in which Republican Donald Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.

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