How to Make Anise Tea
How to Make Anise Tea
Anise tea is a herbal tea made from the plant Pimpinella anisum. It is also known as aniseed and is a spice native to the Eastern Mediterranean and South East Asian regions.[1]
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Some of the things it is thought to be helpful for include the digestive system, colic, bronchitis, and nausea[2]
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Research source

but don't substitute it for proper medical treatment; it's a gentle soothing aid, not a solution to serious complications. What makes this tea worthwhile making is its taste which is aromatic, sweet, and akin to licorice. It makes a warming, fragrant and spicy tea that is comforting.

Anise Infusion

Boil the kettle. Place 1 teaspoon of dried anise leaf or 3 teaspoons of fresh, crushed anise leaf or leaves into one cup of boiling water.

Allow to steep for a few minutes. It is now ready to serve.

Anise Decoction

Boil the kettle.

Crush or grind 1 tablespoon of anise seeds. A mortar and pestle is a good instrument for this purpose.

Add 2 cups of boiling water to a saucepan. Add the crushed seeds. Simmer gently for 5 to minutes.

Serve. It is now ready to serve as it is. However, you may wish to add milk, as with ordinary tea.seeds:

Anise Tea (Long Steep)

Crush the anise seeds if you haven’t done so already. This releases their fragrant oils and makes certain that the tea will taste marvelous.

Place the crushed anise seeds into the intended mug or cup.

Pour the boiling water into the cup.

Allow to steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Yes, the tea will cool but the flavor depth will benefit greatly from a long steeping time. Once it is has steeped sufficiently, it is ready to serve.

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