Mumbai Sizzles at 36°C, Hottest in India for Second Straight Day
Mumbai Sizzles at 36°C, Hottest in India for Second Straight Day
The maximum temperature in Mumbai today stands at 35.9 °C, a notch above Saturday’s maximum temperature of 35.6 °C. On Thursday, the city recorded 34.9°C, also the highest in Maharashtra.

As parts of the country shiver, Mumbai continues to record high day temperatures despite it being December. According to the Santacruz IMD data, Mumbai recorded highest temperature in the country for the second day in a row.

The maximum temperature in Mumbai today stands at 35.9 °C, a notch above Saturday’s maximum temperature of 35.6 °C. On Thursday, the city recorded 34.9°C, also the highest in Maharashtra.

Not just Mumbai, several cities in Maharashtra continue to see higher temperatures. Cities like Ratnagiri recorded 35.4°C, followed by Harnai at 34.3 °C, Solapur 34.2°C.

According to the Meteorological Department, a deep depression in the Arabian Sea has changed the direction of the wind, causing the it to blow towards the southeast. The situation is likely to remain the same for the next few days. Apart from daytime, the night temperatures have also increased in Mumbai.

Over the past week, the weather in Mumbai and surrounding areas was cold but since Friday, the temperature has increased due to change in weather.

The highest maximum temperature that was recorded last year was 35 °C on December 13.

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