How to Feed a Pregnant Dog Shortly Before Labor
How to Feed a Pregnant Dog Shortly Before Labor
Feeding a pregnant dog correctly is an important part of her prenatal care. You need to make sure that she gets all of the nutrition she needs to develop the puppies and to produce milk to feed them after they are born. However, there will be a point when labor starts that the dog will no longer need to eat. In order to feed a pregnant dog correctly right before labor, you will need to give her the right food up until labor begins and support her needs as they change.

Feeding a Pregnant Dog Towards the End of a Pregnancy

Feed the pregnant dog puppy food. In order to give the pregnant dog the nutrition that she needs, she should be fed puppy food for a couple weeks before she gives birth. Puppy food is high in fat and protein and can meet the high energy needs of a late term pregnancy. You should gradually change your dog's food. Switching food abruptly can cause stomach upset and general digestive issues. Puppy food gives the pregnant dog the nutrients that she needs to support her own body functions, as well as those of the growing puppies. This type of food is specially formulated to support growth and development.

Increase the amount of food you are feeding the dog. A dog that is in the last trimester of pregnancy should be fed more than it would normally eat. Over the course of its pregnancy the amount of food you feed it should be increased by fifteen to twenty five percent. Talk to your veterinarian about what and how much you should be feeding your pregnant dog.

Increase the frequency of feeding. Do not give your dog larger meals while it is pregnant. Instead, while you are increasing the amount of food she is eating, it should be divided into small, frequent meals. While a dog is pregnant, the amount of food she can ingest at one time will decrease. This is due to the space being taken up by the puppies. This is why it is important to feed the mother lots of small meals.

Continue to feed the dog puppy food after whelping. The mother dog will need to eat even more after giving birth. This is due to the nutritional energy it takes for her to produce enough milk for her puppies. Keep her on puppy food until the puppies have stopped nursing. About three weeks after giving birth, the mother will be at her highest caloric needs. This means that she should be eating twenty five percent more food per puppy she is feeding than what she normally eats. This means that if she is nursing four puppies, she should be eating twice as much as she did before pregnancy.

Offering Food to a Dog Right Before Labor

Do not force the dog to eat. A dog that is going into active labor will probably avoid eating. The labor process can be very grueling and can cause stomach upset and vomiting, along with pacing and uneasiness. Thus, trying to force her to eat during this time is not productive. If your dog does eat right before labor it may vomit the food up. This is relatively normal, as the dog's body is under extreme stress.

Offer small, enticing, and digestible meals. As your dog gets closer and closer to giving birth, it may be less interested in food. In order to get her to eat, feed her small meals of easily digestible food. They should usually consist of the puppy food that you should be feeding her in her last few weeks of pregnancy. This will allow the mother to absorb the nutrients in the food quickly and effectively. Offer her small meals every couple of hours or just leave food out for her to graze on. The key is to give her enough food but not so much that she will get stomach upset and vomit it up. Try offering your dog a little plain yogurt—it's easy to digest and high in calcium, which a pregnant dog needs. It is important that she continue to get enough nutrition to develop the puppies. This means an increase of fifteen to twenty five percent over the amount of food you are feeding the dog normally. If your pregnant dog refuses to eat even before labor then you can try to give her a treat instead of her regular food. Giving her high calorie treats can give her some much needed energy that she will need for labor but it will not take up as much space in her stomach as her regular food will.

Promote water consumption. When your dog is getting ready to give birth it is normal for her to refuse food. However, you should try to get her to keep drinking water. She will need the water so that she doesn't become dehydrated during the birthing process. Additionally, staying hydrated is crucial to her milk coming in right after birthing. If she doesn't drink enough water she won't be able to produce enough milk for her puppies.

Place food and water in the nesting area. As the pregnant dog gets closer to giving birth, you should keep her in a warm and comfortable area that is prepared for the birthing process. This area should be a place where she can be isolated from other dogs. You should place food and water in this area so that she has free access to eat and drink when she feels like it. Once active labor begins, remove the food temporarily. You do not want it to get knocked over and become a mess.

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