How to Make a Woman Feel Beautiful
How to Make a Woman Feel Beautiful
If you care about someone, you want them to feel good about themselves. Women often feel insecure about their appearance, but there are ways you can help a woman feel beautiful. Use your words and actions and provide support when she's in need.
Things You Should Know
  • Let her know how beautiful she is when she least expects it
  • Embrace her flaws. If she points out parts of herself she doesn't like, reassure her she's beautiful just the way she is.
  • Do thoughtful things for her. Surprise her with a small gift or plan a romantic date night.

Using Your Words

Compliment her at unexpected times. If you want to help a woman feel beautiful, throw in compliments throughout the day. A compliment during an unexpected time, especially a time when she might be feeling disheveled or otherwise unattractive. Start off the day with a compliment. When she gets out of bed in the morning and goes for her morning coffee, say something like, "Morning, beautiful" or "Looking good." Compliment her when she's in her element. Women like to feel their significant others like them for their personalities, hobbies, and interests as well as their physical qualities. If she's an avid hiker, tell her she looks gorgeous when she's sweaty and sunburnt because she looks so happy from a long day outdoors. If she works in a hospital, tell her you love how cute she looks in her scrubs. Be persistent. Women who are insecure may reject compliments. If she rejects a compliment initially, reassure her. Say she's not feeling pretty on a particular day and brushes aside your compliment. Follow up with something like, "Well, you look beautiful to me."

Love her flaws. Most women have some insecurities about their bodies or physical appearance. A great way to make her feel beautiful is to talk her through these insecurities. Assure her you think she's beautiful just the way she is. Let her know that the qualities that she dislikes about herself make her unique and that you find them beautiful. Try saying something like, “You know how you hate that bump on your nose? Well, I love it! It's part of what gives you a unique appearance and I think it is beautiful.” Talk up the body parts she feels insecure about. If she hates her legs, for example, tell her she looks great when she's wearing a shorter skirt. If she insists her arms are too chubby or too muscular, give her extra attention when she wears a sleeveless shirt or dress. Women can have insecurities about their personalities that they feel make them unattractive as well. If she feels that she's too emotional or too cold, reassure her that everyone has flaws or aspects of their personality they dislike. However, assure her that the things she dislikes about herself do not dampen her beauty.

Talk her up around others. Sometimes people feel direct compliments are disingenuous. If you want to make a woman feel beautiful, talk her up to others. This can make her more trusting of your words. When you're out at a party or social gathering, tell other about you like about this woman. You can talk about her physical qualities, saying something like, "Doesn't she have the prettiest smile?" You can also talk up her more attractive personality traits, something like, "Isn't she funny?"

Conveying Affection Through Gestures

Surprise her with small gifts and gestures. People feel beautiful when they feel appreciated. Find ways to surprise a woman with small gifts and gestures. This will make her feel positive about herself, making her feel beautiful. Bring her flowers on a random day of the week. Surprise her with a small note telling her she's beautiful. Buy her a small gift and leave it in her mailbox. Order her lunch and have it delivered to her work. Include a note on the delivery slip wishing her a good day. Send her a text telling her you think she's pretty, smart, funny, or any other attributes about her you admire. Be creative. Think of what your girlfriend, wife, or friend enjoys and think of kind gestures she'll appreciate throughout the day.

Plan a fancy date. Sometimes, getting dressed up for a night on the town can help a woman feel beautiful. Make reservations at a fancy restaurant. Buy tickets to a musical or concert. Plan a date that involves dressing up. This will allow your wife and girlfriend the opportunity to choose an outfit, jewelry, and make-up that make her feel confident and beautiful.

Engage in foreplay during sex. Women enjoy foreplay before sex. Not only does it help stimulate sexual desire, foreplay can raise a woman's self esteem. If she feels like you admire her body, she'll feel better about herself. Take time to nurture different parts of her body. Kiss her neck, ears, shoulders, and breasts. Run your hands up and down her body. This will make her feel that you want her physically, increasing her sense of self confidence. Dirty talk can also help. It does not have to be vulgar or explicitly sexual, but expressing your attraction to her in words can help. Tell her what about her attracts you. Describe what aspects of sex you enjoy with her. Many women feel insecure in bed and want to turn the lights off. Suggest you leave them on, as you want to see her fully. Even if she says no to this, she'll be flattered that you're attracted enough to her that you want the lights on.

Providing Support

Understand female insecurity. Female insecurity is a common problem for a reason. Statistically, being conventionally attractive is advantageous to one's career and personal life. Women, even very conventionally attractive women, often feel insecure about their looks and tend to feel threatened by beautiful women. Try to be understanding of this and provide emotional support through listening. Understand women do not actively try to be insecure but there is a lot of societal pressure to fit a certain standard of beauty.

Communicate. One of the best things you can do to help a woman feel beautiful is to talk to her. Allow her to openly communicate her insecurities to you. Listen when your wife, girlfriend, or female friend expresses negative thoughts about her appearance. Practice active listening by summarizing what is said after she finishes talking and give verbal cues, like nodding, to show you're paying attention.

Recognize when there might be a problem. While you can provide reassurance, understand you cannot fix someone else's insecurity. If you're concerned that your wife, girlfriend, or female friend is overly concerned with her appearance, gently suggest she talk her concerns over with a counselor or therapist. This is especially important if her concerns or insecurities interfere with her daily life. It could indicate a deeper issue, such as low self-esteem or Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Nurture her passions and interests. Women like to feel beautiful for their minds as well as their bodies. By encouraging her passions, you make a woman feel beautiful. Encourage her to pursue her interests. If she's interested in singing, ask her to sing for you. If she's an avid painter, ask to take a look at her work. Ask her about what's important to her. Ask her about her work, school, hobbies, and interests. Showing a vested interest in a woman's personality, as well as her exterior qualities, can help her feel beautiful.

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